What is a Health Fair?
A Health Fair is an event where local organizations have an opportunity to distribute health information to the public at booths and/or to provide health screenings. Health Fairs increase awareness by educating families, promoting positive healthy behaviors, and encouraging early detection and treatment of disease.
Every July since 2009, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service partners with Texas Children’s Hospital Health Plan and The Department of State Health Services to provide a Back to School Health Fair. These run from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. usually at the Sealy High School in Sealy, Texas. Free vaccinations and screenings are available for children and adults and the children are usually able to leave with school supplies and a backpack for the upcoming year.
The day is filled with door prizes, food and fun! Watch your local newspapers for announcements for each upcoming Health Fair. Or you can always go to our EVENTS tab and see what we have coming up.