4-H IS MORE THAN JUST A CLUB! 4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. 4-H is about having fun, learning, exploring and discovering. In 4-H, young people make new friends, develop new skills, become leaders and help shape their communities.
More than 65,000 Texas youth are enrolled members of 4-H community clubs in Texas. Another 850,000 Texas youth get involved in 4-H through special educational opportunities at school, in after school programs, or at neighborhood or youth centers. These youth live in cities, suburbs, small towns and rural communities.
4-H gives them a chance to pursue their own interests – from photography to computers, from building rockets to raising sheep. They go places – to camp, to state and national conferences and they learn to be leaders and active citizens.
In 4-H clubs, they serve as officers and learn to conduct meetings, handle club funds, and facilitate group decision-making. In a growing number of communities, 4-H youth serve as youth representatives in municipal or county government or as members of Teen Courts. They give back to their communities. 4-H members get involved in volunteer projects to protect the environment, mentor younger children and help people who are less fortunate.
AUSTIN COUNTY 4-H PROJECTS…Beef, Clothing and Textile, Consumer Life Skills, Dog, Foods and Nutrition, Goat, Horse/Colt, Horticulture, Leadership, Photography, Poultry, Public Speaking, Rabbit, Recreation, Sheep, Shooting Sports, Swine, Veterinary Science, Wildlife
OTHER ACTIVITIES…Livestock and Dairy Judging, Horse Judging, Roundup/Share the Fun, Grass ID/Range Management, Meat Science
For more 4-H Youth & Development questions, please contact:
Kailyn Capps
County Extension Agent for 4-H and Youth Development
I grew up right down the road in Brenham, Texas, and didn’t go too far for college! I received a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Leadership & Development from Texas A&M University in 2015 and am currently pursuing my Master of Science in Animal Science. I hope to graduate with my degree in December after presenting my research that’s focused on exercise physiology.
During my time at A&M, I served as the Assistant Horse Judging Coach after being a part of the 2013-2014 Judging Team. I also had the opportunity to teach many classes as a graduate student and help develop programs under the Extension Horse Specialist. Growing up, I was involved in 4-H and FFA through livestock and officer positions. I also served as the 4-H Washington County Fair Queen Candidate. I started off showing goats and my family raises Hereford cattle so I am a little partial to both. But, I am always open to learning everything I can about any project (livestock or not).
When I am not working, you can probably find me at a rodeo.