Approximately 9.1% (2,275) of the Austin County population has been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. In 2006, the “Do Well Be Well with Diabetes” program was introduced to the Family and Consumer Sciences Advisory Board. They have partnered with several area entities and formed a diabetes coalition in order to address this concern. We offer trained area health care professionals and board members to assist with delivering some of the self‐care lessons to program participants. Ninety‐five participants have successfully completed the program since 2008. Results from 2013 showed that the average decrease in A1C levels for most participants ranged from 7.28 to 6.0 due to the effectiveness of the program. In addition, 80% of the participants learned the importance of preventing and managing complications. While the results are phenomenal, the following comments share the impact made:
“Since my participation in the program, I have lost 15 pounds and my blood sugar is consistently under control.”
“My hemoglobin A1C test is down, it’s now a 6, down from 6.4% a few months ago.”
“I have been to several diabetes programs in the past and this is the best one yet.”
“This will definitely change my diet and exercise as well as my life for the better. I want to be around for my grandchildren.”
Are you a type 2 diabetic or a caregiver of a loved one with type 2 diabetes? Would you like to learn how to better manage your diabetes? If so, please join us for “Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes!”
Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes is an educational program for people with type 2 diabetes. The classes will be conducted by area physicians and health and nutrition professionals. The four week series will address topics such as The One Diabetes Diet, Managing Your Blood Sugar, Dietary Treatment, Foot Care, Diabetes Medicines, Eating Out and much, much more.
The four week series will address topics such as “How Food Affects Your Blood Glucose”, “Are You Eating the Right Number of Carbs?”, “Beyond the Diet: Improving Your Blood Glucose Control with Physical Activity”, Beyond the Diet & Physical Activity: Improving Your Blood Glucose Control with Medication”, and “Celebrating Diabetes Control: Having Your Cake (or Snack) and Eating it, Too! While Avoiding Complications. Classes are scheduled for November 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th. Classes with food preparation will begin at 6:00 pm (Nov 6th & 20th ) and classes without food preparation will start at 6:45pm (Nov 13th & 27th) at the Austin County Courthouse Basement Meeting Room (1 East Main, Bellville, TX).
Pre-registration will run from now until October 31st and the cost for the program is $45.00 per person. Please add $5.00 as of November 1st (50.00). Evening refreshments will be served when no cooking class is scheduled. Care givers of type 2 diabetes individuals are encouraged to participate too.
The primary goal is to help participants learn how to manage their meal plan and self-care to maintain their blood glucose in the ranges recommended by the American Diabetes Association.
The program is being sponsored by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, CHI St. Joseph Health Bellville Hospital, and the Department of State Health and Human Services. You can do well and be well with diabetes!
Register today by clicking the link below or by calling 979-865-2072. For additional information, please contact Michelle Wright.
Registration Form