The Rising Star Award is awarded each year to outstanding 4-Hers in Austin County on the basis of personal development, leadership, outstanding achievement in 4-H projects and activities and contribution to the overall 4-H program. 4-Hers, 8 years of age and in the third grade, 9 and 10 years of age as of September 1 of the current 4-H year may apply for this award. The maximum number of Rising Star recipients will be two percent of the total 4-H enrollment for that age group. Recipients of the award will be selected by a panel of judges. The judges decision will be final.
Bronze Star Award
The Bronze Star Award is awarded each year to outstanding 4-Hers in Austin County on the basis of personal development, leadership, outstanding achievement in 4-H projects and activities and contribution to the overall 4-H program. 4-Hers 11 and 12 years of age as of September 1 of the current 4-H year may apply for this award. The maximum number of Bronze Star recipients will be one percent of the total 4-H enrollment for that age group. Recipients of the award will be selected by a panel of judges. The judges decision will be final.
Silver Star Award
The Silver Star Award is awarded each year to outstanding 4-Hers in Austin County on the basis of personal development, leadership, outstanding achievement in 4-H projects and activities and contribution to the overall 4-H program. 4-Hers 13 and 14 years of age as of September 1 of the current 4-H year may apply for this award. The maximum number of Silver Star recipients will be one percent of the total 4-H enrollment for that age group. Recipients of the award will be selected by a panel of judges. The judges decision will be final.
Gold Star Criteria
The Gold Star Award is the highest county achievement award and will be awarded only once in a member’s 4-H career. Counties have award quotas based on the number of senior 4-H members. The award will be presented to the most deserving young people without regard to sex.