Multi-County New Landowner Program

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service of Austin, Colorado, Fayette, and Washington Counties have developed a series of educational programs to assist new landowners with the concept of rural living, natural resource management, and agriculture production.  The Multi-County New Landowner Program is designed with you in mind, providing opportunities to hear from leading experts, successful natural resource managers, and local producers in agriculture. These experts will focus on the fundamentals of natural resource management and walk through a step-by-step guide to successfully managing resources and venturing into a sustainable agricultural endeavor.  You will hear from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Specialists, County Extension Agents, and others on concepts related to Wildlife Management, Pond Management, Forage Production, Weed & Brush Control, Horticulture Production, Honeybees, Livestock Production, and more.  Networking is another great opportunity provided through this program series; bringing landowners from the four-county area together to talk about plans, successes, and challenges in an effort to help one another.




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